Clear One Chat 50 USB Plus Personal Speaker Zoom

Clear One Chat 50 USB Plus Personal Speaker

Clear One Chat 50 USB Plus Personal Speaker
Item# 910-159-002
The Chat 50 is a mobile audio peripheral that connects to a variety of devices and provides crystal clear, hands free audio communications. With unmatched full duplex capability, users can simultaneously speak and listen without audio cutting in and out. Provides high quality audio playback for music, gaming and other sound files. It is slightly larger than a deck of cards, making it a truly mobile device. Is available in the following configurations:

Laptops or PCs use: Internet telephony applications, VoIP soft phones, Web conferencing applications, Instant messaging with audio chat, Audio playback with media players, and PC-based gaming. Mobile phones and Desktop video conferencing devices for hands free, full duplex conversations. MP3 players, for full-band audio playback (single speaker).

Includes: Chat 50, USB cable, cell phone & telephone audio cable (2.5mm-3.5mm), power supply, quick start guide, CD.
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